Friday, October 29, 2010

Jim's blog

Here goes. My blog has started.

I'm going to put stuff out here and encourage people to read/help the thread.

The direction is going to be discussion of "The Truth."

What exactly are we here for and where are we going?
Why do we do what we do?

Well, I'm studying and thinking a lot about this lately so I thought folks could help me figure this all out.


  1. In our American culture Truth seems to have evolved into a very short term imperative that says "what is best for me and my 'family' right now". Alternate opinions or facts or even science that get in the way of MY best interest cannot be considered and are untrue. The Sioux Nation has a lot to offer us if we would listen.
    In Sioux culture, no decision would be made without reference to the will of the seven generations previous and in consideration for its effects and consequences for the seven generations following.

    The Sioux have another interesting notion that embeds this process of integration in their consciousness. We are supposed to speak from "the centre of the voice", which is located at the centre of a cross with each of the four points representing dimensions of thought. The Sioux seek to integrate wisdom, integrity, stability, and dignity. The idea behind their necessarily mystical explanations is that by trying to integrate the four dimensions into a decision that respects and reflects each one, we come to better decisions.

  2. Excellent points.

    In my last class we studied the Old Testament and we dug into the Wisdom books. There are some great nuggets of "wisdom" there that help lead us to the "Truth." I especially like Job and Ecclesiastes. Proverbs is good, too.

    As we studied these books, I found it interesting that they are very similar in many other writings outside Judaism and Christianity.
